A few posts ago I mentioned how ominously close our new unit is to Indooroopilly Shopping Centre. In some ways it's really convenient; we can buy almost anything we'd ever need at a one-stop shop just a couple of blocks away. On the other hand,living in the shadow of the local bastion of fashion and rampant consumerism sometimes does feel a little ... icky.

Read more: Worship What Now?

I haven’t posted here for a little while now. I’ve been busy gearing up for a series of shows at the Adelaide Fringe Festival. We’re about half way through our season now, and I have to say it’s been an interesting, if not exactly pleasant experience.

Read more: Fringe Benefits

When one travels in strange lands among foreign cultures, it is always a good idea to set oneself a goal of taking in a new cultural experience. Fortunately, the locals in the country we’ve visited are more than happy to provide instructive cultural experiences on almost a daily basis.

Read more: Haaki

Last time Kim and I were in Cleveland OH, we made the decision not to visit the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame. We were only in town for an afternoon and didn't really know that much about the museum. We spent time with family instead.

Since that trip, I've learned a little more about it and I regretted not taking the time to check it out. So this time around we didn't make the same same mistake.

Read more: The Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame

Kim and I are spending Christmas with her family over in America. It’s a brand new experience for me. Traditionally, of course, Christmas is associated with summer, so it’s really interesting to spend time in a weird alternative culture where it’s cold and wintery and yet still Christmas. I don’t know how they even manage to celebrate it.

Read more: O Christmas Tree

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