If I had a dime for every girl I’ve met
I’d have a pile of dimes from the floor to my head
But I’d give them all away, I wouldn’t think twice.
Because that many dimes would just get in my way
It would only be about seven dollars anyway
Just getting rid of them all would be well worth the price.

And if I had a dime for every girl on the Earth
I’d have three billion dimes, and the pile would be worth
about 300 million dollars, that’s a lot for man like me.
That much coin would make it hard to draw breath
And at over six tonnes, it would crush me to death
And I’d wonder why I ever took the expression so literally.

But if I had a dime for every girl like her
I’d have just one dime, but I’d still prefer
that dime to any other dime that came my way.
You’d ask me why I like this dime, I’d say it’s a metaphor
Then I’d have to explain it and it wouldn’t work anymore
We’d just look at each other awkwardly, and get on with our day.


Garry with 2 Rs

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