I have a phone I can hold in my hand
With a power that makes my head swirl
Through a network of towers and satellites
It links me with all the information in the world
At the touch of a button, at the speed of light
A server in Russia in the middle of the night
Will send me high-definition footage
Of a cat falling off a fence and into a swimming pool


I have a voice and I like to use it
I'm a loquacious, narcissistic gas bag
And any time I need a little more attention
I can get it with one little hashtag
I could find something useful or constructive to do
Or just casually retweet that #I'llRideWithYou
Then get back to what really matters to me:
A cat falling off a fence and into a swimming pool

'Cause I love refugees, and I hate sexist bigots
And I think that our parliament's been over-run by idjits
So I'll start an online petition, and when we get a bazillion likes
We're gonna stage a revolution and take back the night
We'll overthrow democracy and replace it with... umm...

Oh learn some basic politics; you look like a bleeding fool
If you come at me with your slacktivist crap be prepared for ridicule
I don't care for your politics, but there's one thing that's really cool:

A cat falling off a fence and into a swimming pool.


Garry with 2 Rs

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